Kitchener (519) 885-3500
Owen Sound (519) 376-9355


Shoulder pain can affect anyone. Most shoulder pain occurs when soft tissues in the shoulder are injured or over-used. Soft tissues refer primarily to the muscles, tendons, ligaments and bursae. Shoulder pain can result from trauma in a fall or car accident, or from movements such as swinging a racket, throwing a ball or repetitive movements in the workplace. Shoulder pain can also be referred pain from joints or nerves in your neck. The type of shoulder pain you have depends on what tissue is affected. Some injuries lead to inflammatory conditions such as bursitis and tendonitis, while others may lead to arthritis or instability. Sometimes shoulder pain may travel to the elbow or even to the neck. Therefore, you may feel pain in other locations, even though it is coming from the shoulder. At Advanced Pain Relief Clinic we can care for your shoulder pain and offer relief.


Symptoms of a Rotator Cuff Injury

Sudden, sharp pain accompanied by a sensation of tearing, pain radiating down the arm and inability to move the shoulder without feeling pain are possible signs of a sprained or torn rotator cuff muscle. Pain worsens as inflammation spreads, with increasing weakness of the shoulder interfering with your ability to use the shoulder normally. Raising an arm and shoulder affected by a rotator cuff injury is often difficult and, in some cases, may be impossible.

What Causes Rotator Cuff Injuries?

Most rotator cuff injuries result from quick twisting or overextension of the shoulder joint. The two muscles commonly affected by strains and tears are those involved in shoulder rotations–the infraspinatus and the supraspinatus. People who bowl, swim, kayak or pitch on a baseball team are more at risk of suffering rotator cuff injuries than people who don’t rotate their shoulders powerfully and frequently. Acute (sudden) rotator cuff injury to non-athletes usually happens from falling heavily onto the upper arm or shoulder or improperly lifting heavy items.

Treating Rotator Cuff Injuries at Advanced Pain Relief Clinic

If you have a torn or injured rotator cuff the first most important issue to address is to repair the injured tissue. This does not include exercising the torn or affected area. This outdated approach has delayed recovery and led to chronicity. Using LILT (low intensity laser therapy) can boost the bodies ability to heal faster and better by increasing energy and protein production while decreasing inflammation and pain.

Diagnosing Rotator Cuff Injuries

A proper diagnosis is at the heart of proper treatment. Assessing the range of motion and strength of affected area will asssit us in coming a proper working diagnosis and in many cases allow us to begin caring for the affected area. In many cases x-rays, Ultrasounds and MRIs are ordered to confirm the diagnosis or direct appropriate care.

If you are suffering acute or chronic shoulder pain, inability to lift your arm and restricted range of motion, call Advanced Pain Relief Clinic today to schedule an appointment with Dr. Moona and his team.


What is rotator cuff tendinitis?

Rotator cuff tendinitis, or tendonitis, affects the tendons and muscles that help move your shoulder joint. If you have tendinitis, it means that your tendons are inflamed or irritated. Rotator cuff tendinitis is also called impingement syndrome. This condition usually occurs over time. It can be the result of keeping your shoulder in one position for a while, sleeping on your shoulder every night, or participating in activities that require lifting your arm over your head. Athletes playing sports that require lifting their arm over their head commonly develop rotator cuff tendinitis. This is why the condition may also be referred to as:
  • swimmer’s shoulder
  • pitcher’s shoulder
  • tennis shoulder
Sometimes rotator cuff tendinitis can occur because of a pinched nerve in the neck. Some people with rotator cuff tendinitis end up with chronic pain. Using advancements in biotechnology such as low intensity laser therapy and shockwave therapy the patients at Advanced Pain Relief Clinic are often able to regain full function of the shoulder within 6-8 weeks, even in chronic cases.

What are the symptoms of rotator cuff tendinitis?

The symptoms of rotator cuff tendinitis tend to get worse over time. Initial symptoms may be relieved with rest, but the symptoms can later become constant. Symptoms that go past the elbow usually indicate another problem.

Symptoms of rotator cuff tendinitis include:

  • pain and swelling in the front of your shoulder and side of your arm
  • pain triggered by raising or lowering your arm
  • a clicking sound when raising your arm
  • stiffness
  • pain that causes you to wake from sleep
  • pain when reaching behind your back
  • a loss of mobility and strength in the affected arm


What is calcific tendonitis?

Calcific tendonitis (or tendinitis) occurs when calcium deposits build up in your rotator cuff muscles or tendons. The rotator cuff is a group of muscles and tendons that connects your upper arm to your shoulder. Calcium buildup in this area can restrict the range of motion in your arm, as well as cause pain and discomfort. Calcific tendonitis is one of the most common causes of shoulder pain. You’re more likely to be affected if you perform a lot of overhead motions, such as heavy lifting, or play sports like basketball or tennis or if you participate in a repetitive activities such as a painter or factory worker. Even though calcific rotator cuff tendinits has been considered difficult to treat we at Advanced Pain Relief Clinic find that with the application of the correct biotechnologies we can see dramatic results within a few weeks in the most chronic cases.


If your shoulder pain hasn’t been described above, don’t fret. We have a team of dedicated health care professionals that can help you reach a diagnosis and offer effective solutions to improve your function and reduce your pain.


See rotator cuff tendinitis.