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Tension Headache Treatment from Advanced Pain Relief in Kitchener & Owen Sound
If you have a headache in your temples, base/top of your skull and/or behind your eyes accompanied by neck or upper back pain you may be experiencing a tension headache. When dysfunctional or irritated (facet) joints are the cause the pain the condition is often termed cervicogenic (meaning coming from the neck) or facet (the specific joint) irritation/syndrome. The pain from this type of headache can be severe and sometimes accompanied by migraine symptoms such as nausea or sensitivity to light and sound. The duration of pain varies from episode to episode and can last anywhere from a few hours to a days/weeks.
Causes of Tension Headaches
A variety of events can cause neck muscle stiffness or tightness can lead to tension headaches or facet syndromes, including trauma to the head and neck from injuries such as whiplash, poor posture (which increases stress on joint and muscles) and occupational stresses, such as extended cell phone or computer use and other activities that require the neck to be in awkward positions for prolonged periods. At Advanced Pain Relief, we understand how to diagnose and treat the cause of these headaches using a personalized approach.