Home » Sciatica
If you are having a lot of pain in your lower body, it may be due to sciatica. This is a kind of nerve pain that can make life much more difficult. There are various levels of this pain, but many people have a severe case of it that makes it harder to do what they need to each day. There are some treatments from the chiropractor, however, that can relieve your sciatic nerve pain and prevent it from returning. If you are in Canada in the Kitchener or Owen Sound, ON, areas, we have offices to serve you. If you have lower back pain, give us a call to schedule your exam and any treatments that you need.
Sciatic Nerve Pain
Sciatica occurs when the sciatic nerve is irritated. This is one of the body’s major nerves. It starts in the lower back and goes down through the body through the hips, then the buttocks, and then through the legs. This nerve can become painful in several circumstances and start to cause pain.
If you have a herniated disk or your spine has a bone spur, this can affect the sciatic nerve. Another cause is spinal stenosis, which occurs when the spine narrows near its base. If you have diabetes or a tumor in certain areas, it can also cause sciatic nerve compression. The pain of sciatica is usually present on just one side.