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Acupuncture Therapy

The practice of acupuncture is the stimulation of certain acupuncture points on the human body for the purpose of controlling and regulating the flow and balance of energy in the body. The practice includes the techniques of piercing the skin by inserting needles and point stimulation by the use of acupressure, electrical, mechanical, thermal or traditional therapeutic means.

Chinese medicine views the human body as a complete organic entity that interconnects the external phenomenal world and the physical bodily structure through a series of natural laws. Chinese medicine focuses attention on the patient rather than on the disease, grouping together signs and symptoms of a disease and synthesizing them, until a clear picture appears that provides a diagnosis of the person as a whole.

A patient’s illness is closely related to the emotional and mental aspects of a person. The Chinese doctor will diagnose and treat the individual taking into consideration the continuum line produced by the interactions of body, mind and spirit. Generally, in Western medicine a disease is diagnosed according to what is happening to the mechanical structure of the organs in relation to the disease process. In Chinese medicine, the internal ORGANS are actually the power of ORGAN FUNCTION, not the physical structure of the organ. Chinese and Oriental medicine emphasizes the performance and functions of the organic structures.

Advanced Pain Relief

Therapeutic Exercise, Tai Chi, Qi Gong

Created in Modality Treatment, Functional Medicine, Acupuncture Therapy, Modality Treatment As part of overall acupuncture treatment for joint disorders, therapeutic exercise is used to stretch...

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Advanced Pain Relief

Pressure Points & Your Body

Created in Newsletter Library, Functional Medicine, Acupuncture Therapy, Modality Treatment More than 1000 years old, the time tested practice of traditional Chinese medicine known as...

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Advanced Pain Relief

Which Supplements Are Best for You?

Created in Herbal and Nutritional Therapies, Functional Medicine, Acupuncture Therapy, Herbal and Nutritional Therapies A healthy diet should ideally include all of the vitamins and...

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Advanced Pain Relief

Tui Na

Created in Modality Treatment, Functional Medicine, Acupuncture Therapy, Modality Treatment Oriental massage therapy which combines the management of body movements through soft tissue manipulation (muscles...

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Advanced Pain Relief


Created in What is Acupuncture, Functional Medicine, Acupuncture Therapy, What is Acupuncture Acupuncture is very safe. Only sterilized needles are used and are professionally disposed....

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Advanced Pain Relief

The Wellness Approach

Created in What is Acupuncture, Functional Medicine, Acupuncture Therapy, What is Acupuncture What’s the main difference between wellness care and standard medical care? Wellness care...

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Advanced Pain Relief


Created in We May Help You With, Functional Medicine, Acupuncture Therapy, Conditions Treated Menstrual disorders, such as, painful menstruation, missed periods, and excessive flow can...

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