Created in We May Help You With, Functional Medicine, Acupuncture Therapy, Conditions Treated
This combined treatment will increase the success of the overall patient recovery. Acupuncture treatment will be directed towards building the patient’s immune system, enhancing circulation, regulating hormones, decreasing stress, increasing the body’s strength and expelling the unwanted elements and toxins.
Acupuncture treatment for fertility is becoming widely used, either as a stand-alone treatment, or integrated with in-vitro fertilization procedures. Depending upon the patient’s symptoms, Oriental medicine will determine a pattern of disease and treat the infertility accordingly. Usually herbal medicinal therapy is prescribed before and during the pregnancy to assist in carrying the pregnancy to full-term.
During pregnancy acupuncture can be used to greatly reduce morning sickness, edema, urinary problems, risk of miscarriage and associated maladies. In the same way, post-natal disorders, such as depression, water retention, constipation, hemorrhoids, breast pain and extreme fatigue can also be treated. Acupuncture techniques, along with nutritional and herbal therapy, will support the body by balancing and circulating Blood and Qi.